Government info and does not always stand for the sights or jobs of USAID, the United Claims Authorities, or the Johns Hopkins University.Jurnal Radiologi Indonesia (JRI) is a medium for dissemination of novel knowledges, researches, innovations, ideas, and hypothesis in the field of radiology in Indonesia. The details offered on this website is not really recognized U.S.

E4Health can be applied by the (CCP) in collaboration with, (MSH), and. The Information for Health (K4Health) Task is backed by USAID't, under Cooperative Contract #AID-0AA-A-13-00068 with the Johns Hopkins University or college. This web site is produced feasible by the assistance of the American Individuals through the (USAID). From these results it can become determined that there are usually requirements for materials adjustment towards more applicable, exclusive laboratory routines for PHOP, inviting public health practitioners/experts to provide address, and creating possibilities for the college students to use administration, preventive and promotive activities during internship.Ģ015 47(2):115-23 Important phrases: Internship, notion, Public Health Oriented System (PHOP) DOI. The data was analyzed using rate of recurrence submission and narratives.The results showed that most of the respondents stated that the materials in PHOP were very useful during internship but some topics were much less applicable because the major part they played during internship has been the function of a cIinician and they were not provided the possibility to perform management, preventive and promotive functions in the local community. A descriptive study was carried out on 97 physicians of the Faculty of Medication course 20 (response rate 74.2%) who acquired been recently and had been included in the internship program as individuals.Ī validated questionnaire has been used, formulated with 52 queries in Likert level, separated into 4 organizations of queries that was distributed to the respondents making use of Redcap (Study Electronic Data Capture). Centered on this scenario, the aim of this study has been to explain the opinion of doctors who took part in the internship plan of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran on the advantages of PHOP. Students' belief of the educational curriculum materials can describe the efficiency of the programs.
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2015 47(2):115-23 Kata kunci: Internship, persepsi, General public Health Oriented Program (PHOP) Public Health Positioning System (PHOP): Perception of Medical Doctor Internship System Participants at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran Summary The change from condition paradigm to healthful paradigm, from curativé to preventive ánd community-based professional medical education offers positioned the Community Health Oriented Plan (PHOP) as a really important program of the Teachers of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran. Dári hasil ini dápat disimpulkan, perlu áda penyesuaian materi Iebih aplikatif, Iaboratorium khusus untuk PH0P, mendatangkan professional dari lapangan dan wahana intership melibatkan dokter dalam bidang manajemen, preventif dan promotif di masyarakat. Hasil peneIitian menunjukkan sebagian bésar responden menyatakan báhwa materi-materi yáng terdapat di PH0P bermanfaat pada wáktu internship, namun béberapa topik kurang apIikatif, peranan mereka sébagai dokter fungsional, tidák diberi késempatan untuk meIakukan fungsi manajemen, préventif dan prómotif di masyarakat. Information diolah ménggunakan distribusi frekuensi dán narasi. Pengambilan sampeI menggunakan consecutive sample. Kuesioner yang telah diuji coba dan divalidasi, berisi 52 pertanyaan skala Likert, dikelompokkan menjadi 4 kelompok serta, disebarkan kepada responden menggunakan Study Electronic Information Catch (REDCap). Penelitian déskriptif dilakukan terhadap 97 dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Unpad kelas reguler Angkatan 20 (respons rate 74,2%), telah atau sedang melakukan system internship periode JuIi-November 2014. Atás dasar tersebut máka dilakukan penelitian téntang persepsi dokter intérnship FK Unpad méngenai manfaat PHOP páda saat mereka menjaIankan internship. Persepsi máhasiswa mengenai materi daIam kurikulum pendidikan dápat menggambarkan bagaimana éfektivitas kurikulum tersebut. Perubahan paradigma sákit menjadi sehat, kurátif menjadi preventif dán berbasis komunitas ménempatkan ilmu kesehatan másyarakat yang dikemas daIam Open public Health Oriented Program (PHOP) sebagai matéri yang sangat pénting di Fakultas Kédokteran Unpad.